
For me, it is always hard to say goodbye to summer.
Intense golden light pouring down and around illuminating enveloping warmth like a mother’s hug.
Gardens bursting with color and all sorts of life buzzing, swarming, floating, spinning
Blood red tomatoes, green beans hanging from tangled vines, frilly tops of orange carrots screaming to be pulled out
Summer afternoons, the hum of the lawn mower and that intoxicating smell of fresh cut grass dotted with the yellow heads of dandelions. Sprinklers.

The squeaking of a rusty swing set, the splash of a hundred backyard pools, the laughter, the unrelenting joy of children who have not one thought of school on their minds
A day at the beach that starts in the morning and ends just before dusk. That good tired feeling
Day trips to the city, or the farm
Vacation coming or goings, visitors, BBQS, firework spectacles alight the sky…always, always making us feel like children again

Enchanted evenings with cool breezes leaving us with the expectation that something amazing and unexpected is about to happen
The magical firefly, dragonfly, and the annoying call of the cicada
Enormous August moons that mesmerize.

Ghost in the grave yard, hide and seek, street lights on playing forever until we are so tired we all fall to the ground and look up at a night sky covered in twinkling stars, wishes made a single tear drop falls because sometimes there is a beauty so intense that emotion is overwhelming

The cool down, browning of once cool grass, forgotten vegetables rotting a meal for the ants, flowers fading, leaves changing
Children preparing for back to school. Cool nights an old but beloved sweater hugging you with warmth. Looking back trying to hold on to that last bit of summer like the last stubborn orange leaf on the tree. Alas giving into to the welcome of Autumn . Trees a blaze with rich reds, golds, oranges. Pumpkins, witches, hot ciders, hearty soups, the crunch of thousands of leaves

While sitting barefooted on the pier living in that moment, taking in with every breath of the beauty of the lake, I thought about the fact that this was my ________summer. How we are allotted only so many. And because I live in cancerland, my thoughts do have “go there” and I have to if only briefly ask how many summers do i have left? So I hold onto to every minute of my summers scorching hot, scattered showers, skinned knees, hopscotch,bee stings, a pocket full of shells, a jar full of fire flies, a stick with a burning gooey marshmallow on its end, foot prints left in the sand and a stream of tears fall, overwhelmed, taken aback by the beauty of it all!

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